Maths and art
The connection between maths and art. Usually we think of mathematics and art as worlds far apart, but I sees similarities, unexpected possibilities and surprising connections. The images are based on these thoughts and connections, while these may not be so clearly visible to the viewer.
Point, line and surface, – the abstract language Both the visual arts and mathematics have basic concepts that are the same: The point, the line, the surface and three-dimensional shapes build up the entire understanding of and the design of the conceptual world of the visual arts and mathematics. The language is structured to grasp and describe abstract phenomena so that we can work and understand different aspects. So actually both mathematics and the visual arts are built up by us humans. Relationships, numbers and composition Another area that touches both is relationships, or patterns, that allow us to find series of numbers or other compositions in pictures and in mathematics. A number series forms a pattern that can be aesthetic in itself but also be a clearer illustration of these. These patterns, rhythms also frequently occur in nature: the golden ratio, the golden triangle, spirals, fibonacci and other patterns. The learning of algorithms, games and play A common denominator is also algorithms that are a sequence of events that arrange and build up a scheme to understand and predict what different solutions look like. Here, too, the creative process can be likened to the mathematical one, as one seeks to crystallize the most essential and use it to present the process clearly and clearly.
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